Monday, September 29, 2008

Sports Photography

So I just got home from a presentation from one of the best sports photographers of the last 50 years, Dave Black. I must say that he is not only a master of his craft but he has inspired me to pursue more sports photography and Lightpainting. For those of you that do not know about lightpainting it is a process where you take a dark subject and illuminate it with a strobe or flashlight while leaving your shutter open. It can produce amazing images and it is something I have tried but I really want to work on it more. Besides that I have been shooting for the upcoming working women section that I am photo editor and photographer for. Here is a shot I took today of Jill Damon a Mountain biker and businesswoman. This was taken on a hillside near work on a trail called sink or swim.

1 comment:

Ashley Wilkerson said...

this shot turned out really nice. good job.